DNA Extraction Methods
Compatible Extraction Technologies
Good news... Your existing extraction probably works!

Template DNA prepared by standard DNA extraction kits are typically compatible with DNA sequencing. Select an extraction method that matches your input sample type. With the proper extraction method, your starting material could include blood, fluids, tissues, sputum, stool, swabs, soil and water samples, whole animals (mosquitoes, ticks, etc), or even food.
It can be a daunting task when selecting the best extraction kit for your assays as many companies offer a wide range of extraction kits; however, selection of an extraction kit usually comes down to ease of use, quality of results, and price point.
While BioID Genomics does not endorse any particular extraction kit, we have significant experience with several methods that perform well for most sample types. Even though the Qiagen QIAamp DSP Blood Kit is marketed for blood samples, it also provides reliable extraction from fluids. Additionally, our testing has demonstrated that the Qiagen QIAmp PowerFecal DNA Kit yields reliable stool and soil DNA extraction. Lastly, the MagMAX™ DNA Multi-Sample Ultra 2.0 Kit performs well for large-volume, suspensions, and environmental samples. See the links below for tested and likely compatible extraction methods.
Familiarity with your extraction method is important as samples or extraction methods that introduce PCR inhibitors will not generate reliable sequencing results.

Tested Compatible Extraction Methods
Likely Compatible Extraction Methods